Of the Gods

Code Blue

The next day, you arrive at work, glassy-eyed from little sleep. You sit at your desk to find your friend Kumi Ho is not sitting at her cubicle, and wonder where she might be.

As you get settled, you watch a speedy little man whisk past you, seeming quite urgent, and running to the office of Zeus, you're Boss in Chaos. Those higher up hadn't felt that Chaos should be managed by...you know...someone who knows Chaos? So instead, they outsourced. Though talks have been about that they'll be promoting someone in your department once he gets sent to Celestial affairs, you find it more likely they'll hand it over to someone from another department once more...hence your nefarious plan.

Moments later, you watch the fast man, Hermes as he's called, and Zeus, your boss booking it at the speed of light straight towards where you'd hoped....Aquatics.

"We've got a CODE BLUE staff, a CODE BLUE! Everyone stick to your posts, and we'll handle it...NOW GET TO WORK!" yells the boss.

Your plan is working out nicely....