San Francisco
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April 29th, 1917
It is almost May! I just cant keep track of the time. Miss Frances announcements arrived a day or two late but we all know now that she is “betrothed” to “Billy A.” Jensen. I have waster my conference hour with her ever since the announcements came out. She talks of nothing but him and if I get any Y.W. into the conference it has to be squeezed into the corners and “Billy A” pops in again in a minute or two. It has taken all the interest out of the work for me when I have to maneuver to get any where at all.
This War business is coming closer home every day. All the commissioned officers here in the cadet regiment here to go down to San Francisco for a three months training courses in the camp there. It has upset our plans here on the Campus a good many ways. All Athletics of inter-collegiate nature has ceased. All Junior Week End plans are given up. No big dance or formal affairs are planned on at all.
One thing we did have though that we wont forget as Juniors and that was Junior Flunk Day! It came last Friday. As a class we decided not to have a flunk day because of the opposition last year and the result of the flunk day the year before. But when news came that so many boys were having to leave – we just up and took a flunk day.
I was a mighty sick and disappointed girl tho, when the morning came, for I thought I wasn’t going to be able to go. I had been out of classes of part of three days with poison oak and I thought it would me more sensible not to run the risk of getting any more. But – the temptation was too great! I had been sitting writing a letter to Harriet telling her all my troubles when Al phoned that I could ride out if I’d get over to the Oregon Electric depot road when the cars were going out. It was ten o’ clock then so I just skipped into my Junior skirt and hiked out – poison oak and all. (It was bandaged clear above my elbows.)
The day was wonderful. It would have been a shame to let it pass without making use of it. We had a wonderful place too and with all – it was a very successful flunk day, inspite of the fact that Leone Smith twisted her ankle and Al threw his knee out of joint (No seniors molested us at all – much to our surprise delight)
Al has had a girl friend down from Portland this week-end. She is staying with Ruth Bloomquist but I am supposed to help entertain her. She is staying until tomorrow in order to see Dean Fawcett and to visit some classes. She is planning on coming down to school next fall.