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March 22nd, 1917
I was going to take a bath and go to bed early but I decided I’d better record a few of the things that have happened lately.
Miss Hopkins has been here and gone. She had my room and tonight is the first time I have been in it since last Friday night. Miss Hopkins just left today. In the mean time I have been living in Katherine’s room up on the third floor.
We broke the news to Miss Hopkins about Ruth Kennedy and she wasn’t as surprised as I expected her to be. But she talked to Ruth as did Miss Frances with the result that Ruth couldn’t see her way clear to join the church just because she was Y.W. president so she resigned and and today at the regular Y.W. meeting Claire Carter was elected in her place. Personally I don’t see that the matter has been improved much – church membership included, but I’m [Fire Drill ! !] glad it is personal alone for everyone else thinks she’ll make a fine president.
Miss Hopkins thinks she is fine. I hope it is all for the best.
Miss Frances told Miss Hopkins about her not coming back next year and now Miss Hopkins is on the look out for another secretary.
Miss Frances told me in January that she wasn’t coming back and I’m supposed to thing that she is going to Columbia next year. Maybe she is – but I’d wager she and Mr. Jensen were to be married instead. I’ve seen too many indications and she has let slip too many things to make me think that she’ll wait to go to college. From what Miss Hopkins let slip too, I think it is all settled.
I’m going home this week-end. I shouldn’t either for I haven’t enough money to pay my board bills now but its just this way. Lucille has written that she will pay Harriets car fare back to Iowa if the folks will let her go – and they decided to. Harriet was bound to go into the hospital to train as a nurse if they didn’t let her go – not as a lesser of two evils – I guess they decided to let her go. She was going today but wrote that she would stay over until next week if I’d come home so I decided to.
I have to go down to the cabinet conference next week too. Here’s hoping I strike it rich before then.