Malamud at Oregon State: A Digital Humanities Project

Part Two: Edition Differences (Close Reading)

The primary focus of this section is analyzing the difference in significant character interactions throughout the novel between editions. 
-interactions are grouped by characters
-within subcategories, you will be able to view the manuscript version with Malamud's notes beside the published version. Once you scroll down, you will be able to view a simulation of Malamud's revision process. The text in red represents changes Malamud made to the manuscript. The additions are red and the omissions are red and crossed. The text in black are the words that survived in the published draft. A brief analysis of these differences follows in the form of close-reading 

The focus in this project is to display a close analysis of the revision Malamud did on A New Life. As such, we utilitzed line-by-line editing to showcase the differences between editions. As with anything, this came with certain limitation. For example, if Malamud changed the order of events in a scene, this was particularly difficult to display while keeping with the focus of the project and often these moments were not emphasized to the extent we would have liked. Because of copyright constraints, we relied heavily on excerpts we chose based on our data. As a result, there are many moments of significant change we were not able to include.  

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