Malamud at Oregon State: A Digital Humanities Project

Lysenko Theory

The Soviet-approved Lysenko Theory of genetics proved to be detrimental to Dr. Ralph Spitzer. His 1949 letter to the editor of the Chemical & Engineering News periodical advocated for equal education in classrooms, which including teaching on the Lysenko Theory. This letter led to Spitzer's dismissal from OSC, and opened up a large debate on the subject of Academic Freedom.

For more information:

By clicking here, you will be led to a 1949 newspaper article published by the Harvard Crimson, titled "Lysenko Theory Sets Off West Coast Imbroglio." We're including this for further reading so you can see the national reach this issue had. For more on the national reach of the Spitzer/LaVallee case, head on over to our "Reactions Outside OSC" page. 

Similarly, by clicking here, you will find yourself reading a 1949 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, titled "Politics in Science and Genetics." This article was reprinted in the OSC Daily Barometer. We're including it here so you, the user, can get an rounded sense of what the Corvallis community and OSC students were reading in their daily newspaper. For more Daily Barometer articles showcasing the local reaction to the Spitzer/LaVallee case, check out our "Local Reactions to the Dismissals" page, under the "Oregon State College Politics" header.

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