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The Justification for Dismissal: Thoughts on the Lysenko Theory (2 of 2)
12016-03-09T14:23:30-08:00Jessica Tran170b93c3f4df728ad26b4a24d8033436e71d348a74612LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ~ SOURCE OF CONTROVERSY (continued) | WRITER: Ralph Spitzer | LOCATION: Corvallis, OR | CONTENTS: Spitzer continues to argue about the importance of trying “to understand the problems of the Soviet Union and the methods used to solve them”. He then goes on to explain how the Soviet Union allocates its funds for projects and talks about “the value of controversy in Soviet thought”. • AREN’T CHEMISTS PEOPLE? | WRITER: R. M. Deanesly | LOCATION: Hinsdale, IL | CONTENTS: Deanesly observes that chemists are increasingly expressing their religion, race and politics and expresses his belief that chemists should not allow their personal beliefs to bleed into their professional life. • BACK TO STAMPS | WRITER: J.F. Dudley | LOCATION: Terre Hauta, IN | CONTENTS: Dudley responds to the article “Chemistry on Stamps” by providing additional information. KEEN! • WRITER: G.G. Sward • LOCATION: Washington, D.C. • CONTENTS: Sward conveys his support for A.R. Patton “in the matter of pronouncing such words as zein”.plain2016-03-14T20:33:36-07:00Jessica Tran170b93c3f4df728ad26b4a24d8033436e71d348a