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2/16/1949 - AAUP Releases Word Clarifying Tenure Policies
12016-03-06T23:33:01-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae1574611WRITTEN BY: OSC Daily Barometer Staff Writer | PUBLISHED BY: OSC Daily Barometer | DATE: Feb. 16, 1949 | TYPE OF ARTICLE: Article | CONTENTS: Following the dismissal of Professor L.R. LaVallee and Dr. Ralph Spitzer from Oregon State College, the American Association of University Professors felt the need to clarify their role in matters regarding the dismissal of professors. Their statement claims that “local chapters ‘have no power of jurisdiction or recommendation on matters of individual appointment, promotion, or dismissal.’”plain2016-03-06T23:33:01-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15American Chemical Society
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12016-03-06T23:32:56-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15American Association of University ProfessorsAdrienne Engle7gallery2509782016-03-14T11:30:25-07:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15