Modern Architectures of North America

Help! Help! Help!

Start here if you're looking for help with Scalar!

Feel free to contact Brendan if you have more questions:

If you'd like to schedule a time to meet with your peer trainer, Bailey, email her:

Her regular working hours are Tu 1-4p, We 10a-12p, and Th 1-4p. Brendan can also meet with you outside of those hours.

How to login to this site:

Wondering what those buttons up top do?

Finding your page or image

There are a few different options:

Annotating images

First, you'll need to navigate to your image's page. The web address should be If you're on a page instead, you'll be able to edit it, but not annotate the image.

Once you've reached your image's page, click on the paper clip in the upper right corner to annotate it:

This will launch the image annotation tool.

Getting fancy with annotations

Text annotations are easy, but what if you want to add boldface, italics, links, other images, or a custom Google Map to your annotation? You'll need to learn a tiny bit of HTML code to do this. 


<b> your text here </b>
will magically turn into:
your text here


<i> italic stuff </i>
will become:
italic stuff


<a href="">New York Times</a>
will become:
New York Times


<img src="">

will become:

You can learn lots more HTML code to use in your image annotations from w3schools.

Learning more about Scalar

This Help page will grow during the semester, but in the meantime, there are some good resources online:

Scalar 2 User Guide - Good resource on all aspects of Scalar 2.

Scalar User Forums - ask a question, get an answer from other Scalar users.



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