The Archaeology of Complex Societies: A project presented by the graduate students of The Ohio State University Department of Anthropology

Further Reading

Unfortunately in this exhibit we simply can’t include all the available information about different theoretical paradigms and archaeological sites. However, if you are interested in learning more about complex societies, archaeology in general, or the specific civilizations mentioned in the case studies, here are some articles, books, and websites that you can go to for more information.

  1. Catalhoyuk - Rebecca


Çatalhöyük research project:


Hodder, Ian

   2004 Women and men at Çatalhöyük. Scientific American 290: 66–73.


Hodder, Ian

   2004 A season of great finds and new faces at Çatalhöyük. Anatolian Archaeology 10: 8-10.


Larsen, Clark Spencer, S.W Hillson, B. Boz, M.A. Pilloud, J.W. Sadvari, and S.C. Agarwal

2015 Bioarchaeology of neolithic Çatalhöyük: Lives and lifestyles of an early farming society in
    transition. Journal of World Prehistory 28(1):27-68.


  1. Nok - Alex


Breunig, P

2013 Nok: African Sculpture in Archaeological Context. Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt


Fagg, B

1969 Recent work in West Africa: New light on the Nok Culture. World Archaeology 1(1):       

  1. Cahokia - Ben

  2. Ugaret - Clayton

  3. Athens - Sarah

Cartwright, M.
         2012 Trade in Ancient Greece. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia

Vanderpool, E. and B. Ehrlich.
          2016 “Athens” in Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, Ltd.


Kinni, T.

   2015 What We Can Learn from Ancient Athens' Manufacturing Industry. Stanford Graduate  
       School of Business. Stanford, California.


Martin, T

    1996 Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times. Yale University Press, New



   1960 The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives. Translated by I. Scott- Kilvert.
             Randomhouse, New York..


Roberts, J.W

    1998. City of Socrates. Routledge, London.


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