The Archaeology of Complex Societies: A project presented by the graduate students of The Ohio State University Department of Anthropology

Further Reading

Cover and background images provided by Flikr Creative Commons: Misty Mystery Macchu Picchu, Athens

Çatalhöyük research project:

Hodder, Ian. 2004 Women and men at Çatalhöyük. Scientific American 290: 66–73.

Hodder, Ian. 2004 A season of great finds and new faces at Çatalhöyük. Anatolian Archaeology 10: 8-10.

Larsen, Clark Spencer, S.W Hillson, B. Boz, M.A. Pilloud, J.W. Sadvari, and S.C. Agarwal. 2015 Bioarchaeology of neolithic Çatalhöyük: Lives and lifestyles of an early farming society in transition. Journal of World Prehistory 28(1):27-68.

Breunig, P. 2013 Nok: African Sculpture in Archaeological Context. Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt Germany.

Fagg, B. 1969 Recent work in West Africa: New light on the Nok Culture. World Archaeology 1(1): 41-50.

Cartwright, M. 2012 Trade in Ancient Greece. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited.

Vanderpool, E. and B. Ehrlich. 2016 “Athens” in Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, Ltd.

Kinni, T. 2015 What We Can Learn from Ancient Athens' Manufacturing Industry. Stanford Graduate School of Business. Stanford, California.

Martin, T. 1996 Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times. Yale University Press, New Haven.

Plutarch. 1960 The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives. Translated by I. Scott- Kilvert. Randomhouse, New York.

Roberts, J.W. 1998. City of Socrates. Routledge, London.

Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. 2016    Explore. Electronic document,, accessed December 2, 2016.

Fagan, Brian. 2005. Ancient North America: The Archaeology of a Continent. 4th edition. Thames and Hudson: London.

Iseminger, William. 2010    Cahokia Mounds: America’s First City. The History Press:Charleston.

Lewis and Stout. 1998    Mississippian Towns and Sacred Spaces:Searching for an Architectural Grammar. University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa.  

Milner, George. 2006    The Cahokia Chiefdom: The Archaeology of a Mississippian Society. University Press of Florida:Gainesville.

Pauketat, Timothy and Thomas Emerson. 1997    Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World. University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln.

Pauketat, Timothy. 2004 Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Hobbes, Thomas. 1651. (1962). Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme, and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil. New York, Macmillan Co.

​Rousseau, Jean-Jaques. 1972 (1978). On the Social Contract, or Principles of Political Right. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Marx, Karl. 1964. Pre-capitalist economic formations. New York: International Publishers.

Childe, V Gordon. 1950. The Urban Revolution. Town Planning Review 21: 3-17.

Sahlins, Marshall and Elman R Service. 1960. Evolution and Culture. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Morgan, Lewis Henry. 1907. Ancient Societies. New York: H. Holt & Co.

Crumley, Carole. 1995. Heterarchy and the Analysis of Complex Societies in Heterarchy and the Analysis of Complex Societies. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association.

Trigger, Bruce. 2003. Understanding Early Civilizations, Cambridge: Cambride University Press.

Barton, C Michael. 2014. Complexity, Social Complexity and Modeling. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 21: 306-324.

Friedman, Jonathan and Michael J Rowlands. 1977. Notes toward and epigenetic model of the evolution of "civilisation." In The Evolution of Social Systems. London: Duckworth.

Wengrow, David. 2008. Prehistories of commodity branding. Current Anthropology 49: 7-34. ​

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