Anirban Baishya: Online Academic Portfolio

Mandatory Assignments-III

In Weeks 4 and 5, we discussed the hashtag as both a form of identity marking as well as a communitarian-conversational element. Nowadays, the hashtag emerges very frequently in protest movements and other forms of activism. This week’s readings also touch upon these aspects, especially in terms of how the selfie enables certain forms of political expression, participation and the public performance of the social self. 

For this week’s assignment we will again use Padlet. Pick a social cause or movement that you care about (it can be anything—political, civic, environmental). Provide a brief description of the cause and why it is important to you.

If you were to take a selfie to support the cause, what would it be like? Take the image and attach it to your Padlet note. 

Be sure to explain the choices that you make in the image—whether it is choice of background, self-presentation or text (caption, typed-in text, placard or hashtag).

How do you think the selfie might enable you to express solidarity or participate in the cause? Do you think the medium is effective? What are its limitations and/or strengths?


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