Digital Exhibits: Ancient Art 203

Brookes - Sculpture of the Classical Period


Sculptures have always been connected with Greek culture but it was during the classical period when the art form was revolutionized. During this period a change in sculptures began to happen. People were depicted more realistically. The poses  became natural because of the advancement of science and the understanding of society. Technical skill also moved forward allowing more detail work to be done. Importantly during this time there was a shift away from just making sculptures of Gods. Starting in 500BCE real people began to be captured. In this digital exhibition you will see the evolution of classical greek sculpture 

The Artemision Bronze is a sculpture of wither Zeus the God of Thunder or Poseidon the God of the Sea it is not clear to who it is because a key pieces is missing.The sculpture is made out of Bronze and stand at 209 cm (6ft. 8in.). In his hand would have been either a thunder bolt or a trident depending on who the God was. The advancement in tools allowed for greater detail in the work to be done. If you look at the face of the unknown god you can see the detail in his beard. It is a prime example of how human anatomy became more realistic. Today it is unclear where the sculpture originated from or where it was traveling to when it was shipwrecked in the sea off of Cape Artmision. They estimate that the it was made in 460BCE. 

Attributed to one of the most famous Greek sculptors Praxiteles the statue of Hermes and The infant Dionysus is one of the icons of classical greek art. Hermes is the son of Zeus and the massager for the Gods. Hermes had the ability to travel between the worlds. Due to this ability he became know as the protectors of roads and travelers. The infant show in Hermes arm is Dionysus the God of wine and intoxication. Dionysus was another soon of Zeus that was born in unusual circumstances. Due to Dionysus tittle as the God of wine and intoxication many cult were formed in his honer. Parts of the of the sculpture have been lost, most noticeable Hermes right arm. Along with the tree truck and python that is on the left of them. The sculpture is also believed to have a reddish tint to Hermes' hair and sandals. The sculpture was rediscovered in 1874 newer Olympia it would take years for the full sculpture to be uncovered.  


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