Accounts of the British Empire

Relevant Quotations

“In one part of the island, and in the midst of a large Negro population, where multitudes are yet in the most deplorable state of ignorance and heathenism, a gentleman has offered to make over to the Church Missionary Society in trust for ever, four, or more acres of good land for the purposes of forming a Missionary station, together with a liberal supply of materials, and some labour towards the erection of the buildings.”

In this quote, the ‘necessity’ of converting ‘ignorant’ slaves to christianity is used as an excuse for taking over native’s land. Church Missionary and Ladies’ Societies describe the natives as ignorant because they do not practiced the same religion as the British; therefore, they need the land to build temples and show the natives the true religion in order to save them. They also called the British a “gentleman”, which portrays the British as friendly and righteous. The distinction between the British and the natives helps to persuade the British to civilize and convert the natives.

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