Accounts of the British Empire

Assignment Guidelines

Essay 2:  Empire Online Analysis (digital project)
For this essay, select a primary source document archived on Empire Online, read it with consideration of the insights it offers into the (his)stories of empire (or of resistance to those stories), and present an analysis of that document.   You may find relevant documents by running a keyword search on the database using a term that has been raised in our reading or discussion. You can select from our compiled list of documents.  You might also access a critical essay (such as Samson’s “Cultural Contacts, c 1763-1969”) and follow one of the links in the essay.  If you select a long work (a novel, a book or an individual’s journal), you should focus only on 1-3 representative chapters.
This project will be collaborative and will be composed on Scalar, an open-source web publishing platform developed at the University of Southern California. This platform requires you to think about elements of document design and allows for visually appealing aspects, like images, video, and other visual or auditory media.  In setting this assignment, I want to encourage you to experiment with the form and content of your essay, to include visual media elements, and to think about diverse ways to engage your readers in your argument. 
Parameters for the project:
1. Collaborative groups of 2 or 3: Our class will produce one book.  Each group will add a chapter to this book.  As a class, we will compile a range of writing and thinking about some of the primary documents on Empire Online.
2. Each group will work with just one primary text from Empire Online (images and posters from the database are a good addition, but cannot serve as the primary document).
3. Each group should have a minimum of 6 -9 “pages” to their chapter and all pages need at least 1 visual or auditory media element. Consider this project as roughly the equivalent of a 3-page essay for each participant.
4. Within each group’s path of pages, include at least the following elements (some may overlap): 
1. Select your primary document.  Only one group may write about a selected source. I will set up a google document to link to from Bb.  As soon as you decide on your document, claim it.  If it’s already claimed, choose another.
2. Begin to watch the Scalar 2: Introduction webinar (the first 25 minutes are very much about the background of Scalar but after that it takes you through the basics what you need to know to complete this project—uploading media and text, building paths, annotating media)
3. Process Outline:
Week 1
1. Read document. Start watching Scalar webinar
2. Brainstorm argument and associative connections
3. Storyboard (plan the pages of the project and their connections) on paper, notecards, white board, realtime board (linked here)
Week 2
4. Find images, think about creative element
5. Continue learning Scalar
6. Begin to put pages up on the platform, make paths
Week 3
7. Write collaborative introduction
8. Peer review each others’ pages (I’ll activate hypothesis for marginal notes)
9. Proofread all, check design elements are working, submit
Week 4
10. Revision in response to Instructor/peer feedback
11. Each student should submit a one-paragraph assessment of your group’s work and a word document in which you copy and paste your individual contributions to the project (this requirement is a feature of accountability and will not be graded)
  1. Informal show and tell in class (date TBA)
  2. Celebration of Student Writing and public presentations of projects: 4/22

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