281 - Final Project - a.a.

Future Expansion

There are more directions I would like to take this project since it is becoming such a relevant contemporary topic. Next semester, I will be in the Intro to Women and Gender Studies class, as well as Post-Modern Literature, so I will use the theoretical tools learned in those sections to apply more feminist theory and critical analysis. 

A specific topic I would like to explore is the question of how poetry, or any discourse of sexual assault, can have triggering affects. Though poems and #MeToo statements can definitely be triggering, that may have positive effects because it influences people to be open about ways they have been victimized. Through these statements, more and more perpetrators will be taken down and it will become more known that sexual assault cannot be tolerated any longer. On the other hand, though, when people are triggered, they may reside in states of panic, anxiety, depression, etc. Addressing issues of sexual assault reminds victims of the horrific experience they have gone through, so what level of protection should be provided for them (specifically in terms of poetry)? 

(Would exploring Kaur's intention in her poetry indicate some of those answers? Where should the lines be in interpreting literature Post-Structurally and doing so culturally? Does Kaur's intention matter if her writing is coming from a subjective experience, and if the readers' response is bound to be subjective as well? How should poetry be interpreted in general since it is such a vulnerable form of writing?) 

I would also like to explore more in-depth the history of feminist poetry and how its affected social movements. 

Another important element I want to thoroughly incorporate is a personal angle; possibly interviewing some peers who have read Kaur's poetry and making note of their responses and opinions on the theme of sexual violence. I value the art of poetry and think the idea of using it as a part of this feminist revolution is exciting and uplifting in the midst of the harshness of the topics discussed. Personally studying the effects of poetry on this issue and doing the research via peer interaction would provide a whole other layer to this project that I think will be very influential in the progression of both the deconstruction of rape culture and the rise of contemporary poetry. 

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