12019-04-04T19:12:35-07:00Abigail Pucik85b9beb11eda85fcc02539e89fdad5db084e16f03163416plain2019-05-06T18:09:51-07:00Abigail Pucik85b9beb11eda85fcc02539e89fdad5db084e16f0Repatriation of Basque Children in BritainSamantha HostetlerMadge Addy was a volunteer nurse during the Spanish Civil War. She would often send back letters to the Spanish Medical Aide Committee in Britain to get the word out about what was going on in Spain and talk about what kind of supplies they could use the most. Her letters are insight to a lot of the horrors that the people of Spain were caught up in during the fight against Fascism.
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1media/artists of Madrid.jpgmedia/artists of Madrid.jpg2018-12-15T20:10:12-08:00Andrea Davise50475e163fb87bc8bd10c6c0244468fd91e8da5British Female Aid WorkersAndrea Davis33Abby Pucikplain8318142019-05-12T09:37:30-07:00Andrea Davise50475e163fb87bc8bd10c6c0244468fd91e8da5