Water is Medicine
If we listen, we can explore the stories the water tells to the City of Philadelphia.
We are part of the land.
Protecting our water relations benefits all peoples across the globe.
Water is important to our health - of ourselves, our communities, our environment.
Water is the first medicine, Nokomis told me.
We come from water.
It nourished us inside our mother's body.
As it nourishes us here on Mother Earth.
Water is sacred, she said.
- "We Are Water Protectors," book by award-winning Indigenous authors and artists Carole Lindstrom (author) and Michaela Goade (illustrator) [16] [17]
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[16] We Are Water Protectors, Carole Lindstrom (Roaring Brook Press, 2020)
[17] @Ring Around Ronina, “We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom READ ALOUD ~RING AROUND RONINA~,” Youtube Video, July 9, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqWTouyaQ-8