Relational Possibilities: A Remix of Aesthetic Forms Through Indigeneity and Blackness

The Kindred Blackness Museum Project

Greetings and a warm welcome to the Kindred Blackness Museum!

We are delighted to have you here with us in our futuristic imaginative in-person and virtual museum. Please take a moment to explore our exclusive collection and immerse yourself in the experience. Our museum, the Kindred Blackness Museum Project, is located in Iaville, Philadelphia, a space that showcases the archival practices of African American artists from the all-Black city. These artists, both visual and literary, represent their strong connections to the city, community, and its legacy. Leading the curation is Alain LeRoy Locke, a bold philosopher, writer, and community architect of the Harlem Renaissance. 

The Kindred Blackness Museum Project is a museum that features a community art map, research, and AI-powered technologies such as text mining, data, information as art, and web archiving. The museum's goal is to provide a platform for creativity and experiences that inspire the African American community to preserve their history through data stories and information presented in various creative ways using technology. It is an excellent resource for anyone interested in African American art, literature, data, and space.

We value your feedback and suggestions for improvement as we continue to create and share more inspiring museum experiences with you in the future.

Thank you for joining us!

Kind regards, 

The Kindred Blackness Museum Project

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