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Alexei Taylor, Author
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The experience

Walking through an array of shops, filled with replicas and representations on clothing, walls and even furniture – nothing seemed to inspire me. At the far end of the shopping mall, I spotted a huge red sign titled “Virgin Megastore” (the store of all that is pop culture). I rush towards the shop sensing that something special awaits me there. I overlook the SpongeBob toys and superman T-shirts to the music section.

The slides contain thousands of CD’s with different images on the cover. In a corner, I found a special collection of box sets of the greatest artists and all their greatest albums. Many had a black and white portrait of the artist on the front cover such as The Beatles and Michael Jackson –I recognized them all, just by looking at the image. However, one image I didn’t recognize and so I had to get closer. My first thought was, what is this and why is this different?
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