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Alexei Taylor, Author

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The connection

Magritte’s art was the inspiration behind Pink Floyd’s cover, as it also illustrates the faceless man in the bowler hat and the suit. 

Nevertheless, the cover is not a replica of Magritte’s painting, but a re-interpretation. There are differences how Magritte presents the hidden face and how Pink Floyd presents it.

In the Pink Floyd cover, the object no longer covers the man’s face. That alters the mystery. Instead, Pink Floyd interprets what is behind the apple as a man with no face. The object is a record, which the man is holding.

The man’s posture is different from Magritte’s as in the illustration; his posture emits a sense of confidence
and personality. The suitcase in the cover art has postcards of different countries which creates a sense of worldliness that is different to Magritte’s painting.

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