Alison Hedley
I read, write, edit, and teach in academic and otherwise literary contexts.
I recently completed a Master of Arts program in English at the University of Victoria, where I specialized in late Victorian popular fiction and media. My Master's essay dissected the political implications of maternity in Emma Frances Brooke's bestselling novel, A Superfluous Woman (1894). Over the course of my graduate studies, I have also had the pleasure of serving UVic's English department as a Teaching Assistant and a TA Mentor and Consultant.
My studies at UVic initiated me into the nebulous realm of digital humanities. The English 507 assignments reflect my expanding interest in DH topics and techniques—an interest that I will take with me in future pursuits, regardless of how I pursue a career in writing and editing.
I can be reached at afhedley(at)gmail(dot)com, and I occasionally tweet @HedleyAlison.
My Contributions to this Book
Anatomy of a Workflow: Experimenting with Productivity ToolsIntroduction to Separation by Annie Abrahams
Separation: The Text
Forensic and Formal Materiality of Separation
Reading and Genre in Separation
Separation: The Text
Forensic and Formal Materiality of Separation
Reading and Genre in Separation
Mobilizing the Victorian Maternal Body: Introduction
Mobilizing the Victorian Maternal Body: Geospatial Pedagogy
Mobilizing the Victorian Maternal Body: Methodology
Mobilizing the Victorian Maternal Body: Geospatial Pedagogy
Mobilizing the Victorian Maternal Body: Methodology
Reinterpretation: Mapping Victorian Maternal Mobility
Reinterpretation: Models for Mapping Victorian Maternal Mobility
Reinterpretation: Process in Mapping Victorian Maternal Mobility
Reinterpretation: Discoveries and Conclusions from Mapping Victorian Maternal Mobility
My contributions can be found in the following paths of this book: Workflow, Granulation, Proposal, Roundtable, and Commentary. I was a student in the "English 507: Digital Literary Studies" seminar at the University of Victoria.
Reinterpretation: Models for Mapping Victorian Maternal Mobility
Reinterpretation: Process in Mapping Victorian Maternal Mobility
Reinterpretation: Discoveries and Conclusions from Mapping Victorian Maternal Mobility
My contributions can be found in the following paths of this book: Workflow, Granulation, Proposal, Roundtable, and Commentary. I was a student in the "English 507: Digital Literary Studies" seminar at the University of Victoria.
Author: Alison Hedley
Word Count: 299
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