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Hugo Ballin's Los Angeles

Caroline Luce, Author

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Executive Chamber - The Seeker of Knowledge at the Shrine of Wisdom

  • In Ballin's Words
  • Allegory and History
  • Source/Citations

Ballin described his murals in a pamphlet published in 1913:
"The seeker of knowledge at the shrine of wisdom. Wisdom extends her hand to a young student who, dressed in her graduation robe, presents a parchment on which is written the course of study pursued by her. In the background are shown the tree of life and the University of Wisconsin."

Both Wisdom and the student approaching her resemble the other allegorical female figures on the ceiling of the Executive Chamber - beautiful, in costumes of flowing robes and Romanesque headdresses, painted in vibrant colors. Their robes are golden, creating a beautiful contrast against the green hills and blue sky in the background. Reviewer Ada Rainey described the "seeker of knowledge" as appearing "typically American," despite her headdress of leaves and flowing robes, no doubt pleasing Ballin greatly. 

Image courtesy of the Wisconsin State Historical Society.

Ballin's quotation appears in his pamphlet, "Mural Paintings in the Executive Chamber, State Capitol Building Madison, Wisconsin," (New York: 1913).

Rainey's quotation in The International Studio vol. 51, no. 204 (Feb., 1914)
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