The 1969 Mayoral Election
The 1969 Los Angeles mayoral campaign featured two non-Jewish candidates—incumbent Sam Yorty and Tom Bradley—with two very specific and distinct political outlooks. While initially entering public life as a populist with strong liberal tendencies, by 1969 Yorty had become a symbol of the city’s white conservative leadership and a protector of the status quo. Bradley was an African-American liberal, who assumed the role of Yorty’s primary liberal critic on the City Council. Both candidates envisioned the Jewish community as an essential part of their electoral strategy and employed ethnic appeals aimed at mobilizing potential Jewish voters.Given these choices, the 1969 mayoral election—described by political scientist Raphael Sonenshein as “symbols of social order versus ideals of social justice—operated as a contest over the future of race relations in post-Watts Los Angeles and the city’s ideological soul.
The two campaigns envisioned the Jewish community as an essential part of their electoral strategy and sought to mobilize Jewish voters. The Yorty campaign, which set up a headquarters at 420 N. Fairfax Avenue, tapped into the anxiety about the changing character of the Fairfax District and circulated leaflets throughout the neighborhood that linked Bradley with Black Power, social unrest, ant-semitism, and the decay of Fairfax as a Jewish space. For example, the Yorty campaign dispersed flyers that read, “Today New York! Tomorrow Los Angeles! Stop the Militants Now!” to remind Jewish voters of the black-Jewish tensions that grew out of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville school crisis in New York. While also campaigning throughout the Fairfax District, Bradley’s appeals to the voters of the Fairfax District emphasized the importance of black-Jewish cooperation but did little to court those who felt threatened by the rising tides of integration.
Yorty defeated Bradley with 53% of the popular vote. Much to the surprise of the leaders of the Jewish community who assumed Jews would overwhelmingly support the liberal candidate, the Jews of the Fairfax District split their vote relatively evenly between Bradley and Yorty in 1969.