Elucidate E-Literature

No two the same

Before the piece even begins, the description states that no two iterations of the story will be identical. As shown in the video above, each page is generated by a computer algorithm from a bank of media, clips, and quotes to create a collage of different peoples experiences. This has several functions, the first of which being that it invites the reader to participate more than just once in order to feel the full effect of the work. Secondly it creates an individualized experience indicative of the distinctiveness of each individuals experiences with human trafficking. While it might seem easy to categorize and claim "this is what happens" however humanity must be taking into account in that no two human experiences will ever be the same and no one is more or less valid than any other. Just because one victim has had a different experience than another does not make them any less worthy of help or empathy. No matter how they ended up in the situation, exploitation is exploitation and there is absolutely no excuse to treat allow any human being to be treated as property. This video shows that even when the reader decides to use the function to go backwards, they will never be shown exactly the same page they saw before(Smith, Luers, Dean). In this, like in life, once you make the choice to proceed, going back is not an option and even attempting to look back things will be different in hindsight.

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