Yugoslav Materials in the LBJ Archives

Folder 03

Folder 1 (63 documents) - 1963-1967 
Contains CIA intelligence cables and Department of State telegrams from March 1963 - Nov 1966 on Yugoslavia’s foreign policy, especially considering China and the Soviet Union’s roles in the Vietnam War. This folder also includes reports on Yugoslavia’s efforts to maintain a peaceful coexistence with the two world orders as a non aligned country. Internal Yugoslav events, such as the fall of Rankovic, which was deemed the country’s “greatest crisis since Yugoslavia was expelled from the Cominform in 1948,” are featured. Documents on this topic include a special CIA report which explains Rankovic’s motivations, secret police involvement, and an elaboration on the extent of his plan to overthrow Tito. An overarching narrative of the folder is the US-Yugoslavia efforts to improve relations that had not taken great strides since Kennedy.

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