AMR and AR: Antimicrobial Resistance and Augmented Reality

Vaxcards: A Game of Infectious Disease and Fun

Battle friends with grotesque, lovable, collectable diseases in the world's first immunization card game!

Vaxcards is a game of infectious disease and fun! A strategic battle style card game where players collect diseases to infect and try to eradicate each other's diseases. The game is played with a hit point system, aiming to lower your opponent's resistance to zero.

The fun, lovable characters are based off the childhood, adult and traveler vaccination program. Illustration and game mechanics are built around symptoms and statistics from real diseases. The game has three settings of complexity, for normal humans, younger humans and advanced game humans.

The collectable character cards have the potential to be integrated as a reward for vaccination against that specific disease for children nervous of needles. As you progress through the schedule, the more playable characters and game options unlock. The game can also be enjoyed by any science or tabletop game lover, with innovative concept, robust game mechanics and quirky fun quick game play. Decks come with a starter and 4 expansions.

Vaxcards YouTube channel
Vaxcards Kickstarter page
2016 article in The Age, Australia

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