
   Migration and immigration are the reasons that Americans have such a lively, and admittedly sometimes troubled, engagement with diversity.  In proposing to host a series of community discussions on migration and immigration, Xavier University’s overarching goal is to  facilitate an inclusive and ongoing dialogue on im/migrant experiences, both past and present. We hope that discussions and a web site hosting a range of primary sources related to different immigration and migration experiences will allow Cincinnatians to reflect on how they and their ancestors came here and to explore how their experiences intersect with others.
    We will invite a specific set of community members as well as Xavier students, faculty and staff from different backgrounds to each discussion to address our shared and differing pasts. Rather than focusing on any single group or context, discussions will examine ways that the circumstances and activities of migrants overlap in various contexts. Participants in each discussion will be asked to interrogate a particular set of texts and artifacts posted on the “Ignatian Discussions” web site in order to expand their perspectives on immigration and migration and to encourage them to ask new questions. 

    The symbol of this project is a painting of Ignatius of Loyola’s shoes by Cincinnati artist Holly Schapker suggesting the willingness of Ignatius of Loyola and the early Jesuits to travel to share and to learn. Our approach is grounded in Xavier’s Ignatian heritage: an outward orientation to engage with others combined with a commitment to the analytic rigor of the liberal arts. 

This website and the Ignatian Discussions of Im/Migration are supported by a fellowship from the Conway Institute for Jesuit Pedagogy at Xavier University.

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