Worlding Electronic WasteMain MenuChapter 1 | IntroductionChapter 1 summary and figures.Chapter 2 | Waste/Non-WasteChapter 2 summary and figures.Chapter 3 | The Discard TestChapter 3 summary and figures.Chapter 4 | Charting Flows of Electronic WasteChapter 4 summary and figures.Chapter 5 | Looking Again in a Different WayChapter 5 summary and figures.Chapter 6 | Weighty GeographiesChapter 6 summary and figures.Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688eVisit MIT Press
Sky News report on Joseph Benson.
12017-05-26T05:00:21-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e89942Sky News report on tracked television picked up by Joseph Benson.plain2017-05-26T05:10:12-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e
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12017-05-11T10:20:47-07:00Chapter 3 | The Discard Test5Chapter 3 summary and figures.plain4418602017-07-28T07:15:53-07:00Chapter 3 explores how a jumble of disparate people, places, and things coheres into a story about e-waste as a problem of global justice. It examines the legal proceedings of two court cases in which Joseph Benson, a Nigerian citizen, became the first person to be jailed in the UK for exporting waste. Building on claims made in previous chapters, Chapter 3 argues that electronic waste is a non-coherent entity. It is non-coherent in that two entities, waste and non-waste, go under the same name--discarded electronics. Judges and juries were confronted with the practical problem, then, of composing a judgement at a conjuncture of laws relevant to the case that build in clashing ways of enacting waste and its other, non-waste.