Working Class Rhetoric: An Exploration of The Mining Rhetoric of Southeast KansasMain MenuThe History of Mining in Southeast KansasThe Hearl Maxwell CollectionThe Hearl Maxwell Collection"Us" vs "Them"Alexander Howat vs John L. LewisMiners Starve, Idle, or WorkingPoverty ReductionUnion Relationship Rhetoric and BrotherhoodThe Amazon ArmyDisability in the MinesJennifer Katzerc3846a5de27f6c938df2d2f8dec5cd07e2a0aed1Tara Yarnelleb1fae02665d887569eb6cabee2c4ae5a342e3fdGlenn Storeya721f873184f60b148d53d11dc3860bca0bd8535
This is a user page for Jennifer Katzer, but it hasn't been created yet.