Workbook for Introduction to Digital Humanities: A-State

Project Proposal

Our project focuses on the history of Arkansas State University since the 1960s. Specifically, it interrogates how increasingly diverse populations have been integrated into the university community and the ways in which the built environment has actively shaped the politics of belonging on campus.

To complete this collaborative project, we have divided research responsibilities in the following manner:

Morgan Seelinger Garland
I will be working on collecting data and information on integration and activism that took place on ASU's campus in the past fifty years.  

Aimie Michelle Taylor 
Aimie Michelle will focus on the controversy  surrounding ASU's "Indian" mascots, and the changes both on and off campus as AState adopted the Red Wolves as the official mascot in 2008.  Looking at the use of the university mascot as part of Jonesboro's spatial identity, this study will seek to understand how the changes in the university's mascot reflected larger, and national, issues surrounding stereotyping and inclusion, and created friction with the region's sense of place and ownership.  

Edward Harthorn
Edward will work on the changing role of transportation and accessibility on ASU's campus in the past fifty years. A core focus will be the tension between the university's quest to create a more pedestrian- and bike-friendly campus on the one hand, and the expanded car infrastructure required to support a dramatic rise in enrollment growth on the other. Questions of handicapped and ADA access will also be a prominent focus, as changes to everything from inclines to restrooms to elevators and beyond have dramatically altered the campus's built environment. Key research materials will include elements of campus master plans from not only ASU, but also the city of Jonesboro and ASU's sister schools in the state. Other key materials include building renovation blueprints; information on accessibility priorities, policies, and costs over time; information on large projects such as the Marion Berry Parkway construction; records of shifting student opinions on these issues; and whatever else comes up.

Karen Hallett
I am working on demographic data.  This will include ASU quickstats brochures, ASU Factbooks, and census data.  I am open to other sources as well if anyone has suggestions.

Pushpita Eshika
I am working on the information about international student. their demographic data, their activities on the campus, mostly the changes they are bringing in the physical and social environment of the university as well as the surrounding area and the city. 

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