12018-01-30T20:45:32-08:00Morgan Seelinger Garland5bca254da3b379a8489915b7f9aabd9e6b915167278011Your progress is save on real time in your draft, so you won't lose your advance. Once your network is ready, publish it. You can embed it in your own website. Besides, discover how to download...plain2018-01-30T20:45:32-08:00YouTube2016-12-21T11:53:36.000Zb9jR3p3jYsAFundacionCivioMorgan Seelinger Garland5bca254da3b379a8489915b7f9aabd9e6b915167
Onodo is an open source data visualizations framework and is used for creating basic visualization and analysis within a browser. Data can be entered through their “in-browser” node and edge creation tables, or data can simply be imported directly from a file. From the moment data is added, it is instantly displayed and able to be viewed. From the moment data is entered, one can easily manipulate the visual appearance in a multitude of different ways. After the visualization is created, it can be embedded and shared outside of the Onodo browser.
Onodo is available in both English and Spanish. The project has been developed by FundaciĆ³n Ciudadana Civio and Eurecat, and the project receives its funding from 7th European Union Programme for research, technology, development and demonstration. Onodo offers its services for free and allows one to create a profile, so that their work will be saved and can be completed at a later time. Onodo has been available since 2015, and although the site was last modified in 2016, it is still very user friendly, navigable, and would be considered to be up to date. There is not a discussion form or FAQ available for the tool, although I do believe it would be beneficial to have one available, however, there is an easy way to contact someone through email if someone does have questions or concerns. There is not much a community base surrounding the site, but there is a way to explore work that other people have created. Onodo also provides its users with tutorial videos and demos that will walk one through the site in order to know and learn how to use it.
In all, I believe this website to be very beneficial for humanist who are looking to use their data to create visualizations. The website is not heard to navigate or to learn how to use, and there are many tools provided with helping new users become familiar with the project. The project is still being funded and edited, so there is no need to worry about your work becoming lost or obsolete. Overtime, this tool will become easier to use, and is something that can be used to create visualizations for a wide variety of projects.