12018-01-30T20:34:02-08:00Karen Hallett3716ab7b3e3d001b892e253cd4b4ad049859f7bc278011Describes how to create document families, create codes, create memos, assign data to project and assign data to document families.plain2018-01-30T20:34:02-08:00YouTube2012-03-09T16:46:04.000ZfgaaoM8jGA0Silvana di GregorioKaren Hallett3716ab7b3e3d001b892e253cd4b4ad049859f7bc
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12017-12-12T18:31:21-08:00Anonymous's Tool Review23ATLAS.tiplain2022-06-28T16:44:20-07:00ATLAS.ti is commercial software that allows one to "arrange, reassemble, and manage your material in creative yet systematic ways". In the most basic sense, it allows one to perform qualitative analysis. It can be used for coding documents, audio clips, photos, and videos. Through Atlas TI, you can "Get to know your material in tremendous depth. Code systematically and develop a system of meaning that unlocks your specific research subject. Explore your data with the Network Editor, the Text Search Tool, word clouds, word frequency tables, and through the various query options.
These tools will help you to discover the intricate hidden “texture” of your data, its interwoven meanings."
It allows for collaborative work, has user support, including training sessions (some at a cost), and a community in which you can ask questions. It allows for project data export using XML providing portability and potential a long lifespan of data. Status: Active Webpage: http://atlasti.com Platforms:
Windows: 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Mac: OS version 10.10 ‘Yosemite’ or higher
iPad: iOS 9
Andriod:4.1 or higher
Current version: 8
Version being reviewed: 6.2
Licensing options:
Educational Licenses: $670
Student Licenses: $99 for 2 yrs, or $51 for 6 months
Non-commercial & Government: $1,290
Commercial Licenses: $1,840
Campus License: call for quote
Upgrade License: depends on prior version
YouTube Videos: Project Setup video for Atlas.ti 6
ATLAS.ti Tutorial: Coding Basics - Creating and Assigning codes GEO-coding with ATLAS.ti
Personal Observations: ATLAS.ti is a powerful piece of software for analyzing content. They keep improving the product, but this reviewer only has access to version 6.2, and this access is through the university's site license for faculty. While not an intuitive software, it is not overly difficult to learn to use. One of the most difficult parts is learning to effectively code information. As one is working with a set of interviews, documents, photos, or whatever, it is easy to realize that when one started, what they thought was the best way to code may not have been, so there can be a high learning curve. As one gains more experience doing work like this, it is likely to become easier. Also, as a project grows over time, set coding methods make training others to code much easier.