12019-01-29T16:44:14-08:00The Center for Women's History and Leadership396bd2bebf501b08ca215cf721fbba097eb2e1a2304254plain2019-02-15T15:42:12-08:00The Center for Women's History and Leadership396bd2bebf501b08ca215cf721fbba097eb2e1a2Here Willard refers to the common idea that black men frequently raped white women in the South, and that white mobs lynched them in retaliation. As is discussed on the timeline page "Ida B. Wells and 'Lynch-Law,'" Wells devoted significant work to showing that this idea was false.
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12019-01-09T15:33:19-08:00The Center for Women's History and Leadership396bd2bebf501b08ca215cf721fbba097eb2e1a2Voice interview 41plain2019-01-09T15:33:19-08:00The Center for Women's History and Leadership396bd2bebf501b08ca215cf721fbba097eb2e1a2