Landscapes of Waste: What’s in a Name?: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Landfills and Dumps

Navigating through this Project

The ability to create different paths in Scalar makes it a powerful tool. While I have built this site to be read in a specific manner, you have the option of looking at the individual paths according to your interests. You can start with the Main Menu on the left side of the screen or from the path found under the introduction on the homepage. Each main section acts as a path (there are four paths) and within each path there are various pages. Each path has an introduction that will let you know what you will encounter by following that path.

One great feature of Scalar is the ability to connect media with your content. As you’re reading the text, I highly recommend that you click on the links with icons next to them (either a photo or camera icon) to view the corresponding media. The videos I’ve assigned to specific texts are all annotated, so they will play the precise clip that I am referencing in the text. If you click on the highlighted text with the video camera icon next to it, the related video will begin. You can click it again to stop the video from playing.

If there is no icon next to a link in the text, this indicates that the link will either take you to an external site or to piece of Scalar content relevant to the text.