Landscapes of Waste: What’s in a Name?: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Landfills and DumpsMain MenuLandfills and DumpsAn IntroductionThe Technophile: The United States and Ways of ForgettingThe United States and Ways of ForgettingEmerging Nations: Complicated RelationshipsConclusionsBibliographyNavigating through this ProjectWendy Perla Kurtz29fb5e682805731eee475bce42363bca4af2c909
Dissenting Opinions: Artists' Voices
1media/underwater caution - debris.jpg2013-12-20T15:14:53-08:00Wendy Perla Kurtz29fb5e682805731eee475bce42363bca4af2c90916257splash380872017-03-31T14:50:10-07:00Wendy Perla Kurtz29fb5e682805731eee475bce42363bca4af2c909While the official discourse at area landfills, government agencies and those expressed through the documentaries studied here overwhelm the discussion surrounding waste management in the U.S., we find rare exception through the voice of artists who approach the issue of trash in critical fashion. Two such artists are Marina DeBris and Mierle Laderman Ukeles.
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1media/Sunshine Canyon Landfill Panorama.jpg2013-12-19T17:28:13-08:00Wendy Perla Kurtz29fb5e682805731eee475bce42363bca4af2c909What’s in a Name?: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Landfills and DumpsWendy Perla Kurtz21Introductionsplash2017-05-23T20:53:52-07:00Wendy Perla Kurtz29fb5e682805731eee475bce42363bca4af2c909