Welcome to GSLIS: An Exhibit of the Library and Information Science Program at University of Illinois

Early Days

The early days of GSLIS began when the president of the Armour Institute of Chicago approached the great library pioneer Melvil Dewey. The president was looking for a new librarian to help run the library program at the institute and was interested in recruiting a student of Dewey's. When he asked for the "best man in America", Dewey replied "The best man in America is a woman, and she is in the next room." He was of course referring to Katharine Sharp, who would become the first dean and help shape University of Illinois's library science program.

This section of the exhibit presents information Ms. Sharp and the early contributions to what would become GSLIS. Also shown are images of the early graduating classes from the 1890s up until the mid-1920s. It is interesting to note that the classes started out rather small with mostly women. They would eventually grow larger and men would also be included.

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