Vision and Difference: Genealogies of Feminism Fall 2023

Con/textures: Textiles, Familial Memory, Mother Tongue

One of my ideas for the final project is to write about the works of Adama Delphine Fawundu and her exploration of fabric, weaving, textures of nature, genealogies. Since I am involved in poetry and have more knowledge of the Russophone context, I could connect this with the works of poet Anna Alchuk, whom I mentioned in the very first discussion post. She has a visual-poetic cycle called "Простейшие" ("Protozoa"), in which she explores the boundary between poetry, visual art, and, to some extent, weaving. All the works in this cycle consist of a single repeated Cyrillic letter filling the entire page. This simultaneously makes you think about the alphabet – where language begins – and about weaving. The latter is an activity associated with women's labor, and, together with the learning of the letters, they stand at the threshold of human life. Furthermore, the word "text," as is known, is etymologically connected to weaving. Fabric is created from natural resources. In general, I would be interested in focusing on works in which feminist topics intersect with nature. But this is just one of the proposals; I am open to different things

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