Posthuman Video Games: Defamiliarization and Becoming-

Flower (2009)

Disclaimer: Since I have not played the game, I have kept the synopsis brief.

This simple, yet beautiful and immersive game allows gamers to play as a flower petal blowing in the wind. The goal is to touch other flowers in order for them to bloom and help the environment, namely through reviving dead fields.

The game contains six levels, and each starts with a pot of flower sitting by an apartment window in the heart of a city. Upon selecting the pot, the player is carried inside the flower’s “dream”, in which they get to control the wind, help other flowers bloom, and grow their trail of petals. Every time the player comes in contact with another flower, a musical chime is heard. As the game progresses through the different levels, the city viewed through the apartment window in the level selection screen becomes more and more vibrant.


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