USC Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts

Texts and Images Currus pharaonis [...]

Written in Latin, the text (in Gothic hand) is in black ink and the musical notations are in black ink on red staffs. 
The score is written with four line staves and square notation. The musical notation in neumes appears to be monophonic plainsong, in some parts melismatic, generally known as Gregorian chant. There is the presence of verses and responsories.
One marginal notation - dx - is in Folio 40r in the right margin, adjacent to line 12 of the second column’s text.
Decorative partial borders, in red, blue and green, frame the left side of each column. Minor decorated pen-flourished initials signal textual breaks: Blue initials are encircled with red ink, and red initials are encircled in green ink.   

Stylistically, this manuscript closely resembles two secular music sources, Trouvère O, and Trouvère X, from the 13th century in the handwriting, musical notation, and illuminations (esp. Trouvère O). 

We can explore the chants in more detail, looking for concordances in Cantus: A Database for Latin Ecclesiastical Chant

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