USC Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts

Texts and Images Currus pharaonis [...]

Breviaries (liturgical books that include all the texts needed for the Divine Office) can contain many different types of texts arranged in many different arrangements, since the liturgy varied in different locations and in different religious orders.

Stylistically, this manuscript closely resembles two secular music sources, Trouvère O, and Trouvère X, from the 13th century in the handwriting, musical notation, and illuminations (esp. Trouvère O). 

We can explore the chants in more detail, looking for concordances in Cantus: A Database for Latin Ecclesiastical Chant. We (editors) would like to extend our warm thanks to Adam Bregman (Doctoral student and Teaching Assistant, Flora L. Thornton School of Music, University of Southern California) who provided us with this information in his 23 January 2020 email.

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