Television and Radio Criticism

Representation by Mary Beltran Joshua Sobers

I am still working on the paper I kinda do not know what I am doing but I am going to stay up some part of the night so I can give you a better hard copy to try to read tomorrow in class. I did annotate and have a real good grip on the text and will be able to answer many questions from my class mates if they have any. Today just came so quickie and it is my fault. I hope they you allow me to write a better copy in the the future of the semester there is no way I will be don by 10pm though. 


Reading Responses        Article Representation by Mary Beltran                      

Joshua Sobers                                        Mobina Hashmi

Word Count 325                                      TVRA 4430W

Date 9/24/18


Representation,  one word in the english dictionary that has a different meaning for everyone. Though Marry Beltran might have a way of explaining this to us if we are a reader of her chapter ironically call representation. In the first few sentences, she explains to the reader by saying quote “A representation is a visual, written or audio depiction of something or someone. This term also refers broadly to what images and text mean, the meanings thai they potentially convey. and how they come to take on those meanings With respect to the focus of this volume. Representation refers to the meanings associated with mediated images and narratives, such as television episodes, films, and music videos The question that is being answered by this chapter is why and how is representation important in the world of media to help change the stereotypes and how they can be pointed out in media reviews and other writing media  to help change the norms of media for the better. The thesis that I found to answer this was on the last page of the chapter, quote “For this reason, a focus on representation can help media scholars gain valuable insights regarding the construction and significance of media images and narratives, particularly regarding associations that media texts may reinforce or challenge about the groups being represented.” The audience that she is trying to reach are media scholars. Showing them  the reason that they should challenge  what is being put out into the world of media.  

As you read more you start to see that it is more than representation and the  different forms that can be used. For example analysis, stylistic of formalist analysis are just two of the many key term she goes over to help build up the to her final point. Mary also gives a brief history representation and how it came to be. Using other writers to help create the mountain to reach her point.


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