Tunnels, Pools, and Ghosts: Exploring Space at St. Catherine University

Mendel Hall Cloister

Bridges, cloisters, and tunnels are not new to St. Kate's. These have always been popular as a way to connect buildings and to travel in winter without having to put on a coat. In the past there was a cloister connecting Mendel Hall and Caecilian Hall; the side doors to both these buildings were connected by a covered pathway, providing easy access to classrooms throughout the entire year. Cloisters have been enjoyed by the college community for years especially in the winter when they turn into highways.

This cloister had to be removed to make room for the Visual Arts Building which was added 1970 directly behind the cloister. Today you can still see where the cloister would connect Mendel Hall and Caecilian. The cloister has been long forgotten in memory, forgetting the cloister erases the original plan of connecting all buildings on campus. By preserving this connecting memory we preserve the original intention of the sisters to connect all buildings on campus with cloisters. 

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