Truth, Reconciliation, and Food


When talking about poverty, it is important to understand what poverty is, itself. It is also important to understand how poverty comes to be, and it is through seperation. This vidoes does a good job in helping people understand how seperation causes poverty and how togetherness is the solution. Each annotation are there to help people understand the each aspect of poverty.

Poverty has the biggest toll on an individual's health. In this video, different aspects of the effect of poverty in health is explained. I choose to annotate three specific topics: how poverty relates to health, the effect of poverty on children health and addressing health outcomes. When trying to understand how poverty has a toll on health, it is important to understand how poverty relates to health. The content in the video, along with that is described in the annotiation helps one understand the relation of poverty and health. I also wanted to include the effect of poverty on children, because I feel that it is always talked about, when we talk about poverty, we tend to focus on the hardship that parents/guardians have to face, but it is important to also understand the struggels that children face due to poverty. The last annotation has the suggestion of how the health outcomes can be addressed and some solutions that organizations and the governement need to take into consideration to help those in poverty to easy access to healthcare.

I wanted to include this video solely to showcase the progress in the percent of population affect by poverty, but Bill Gates does a very good job helping the audience understand what living in poverty would be like for an individual, which is shown in the first annotation. The main reason that I've included this video, is to be impressed with the progress that has been made. In 1990, the total percent of poverty was 36%, but it has decreased and in 2017, it was only 9%. Sure, it would be amazing to have that number be a zero, the improvement is improvement after all.

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