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The Whittier Mosque

Irfana Hashmi, Sonia Chaidez, Amber Rosas, Laura Van Druten, Jarrett Wright, Sayal Shahi, Julie Mauk, Amer Rashid, Ryan Tessman, Anne Cong-Huyen, Ahmad Al Bunnia, Authors
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Mosque Exterior (S&L)


Islamic Architecture covers a broad range of mosques, tomb, and palaces around the world. From Spain to Indonesia we can see the imprint of Islamic architecture. Each country/city has embraced it with its own local culture. And this is what we are aiming for our project.

The exterior includes domes, and a beautiful garden....

The building.  Our exterior of mosque is  simple yet elegant. Even though it has domes and minaret, it still blends in with Whittier's culture. It has the Islamic 

About the garden.
  • While designing the garden our first priority is to make it environment friendly. Only the native trees and plant will be planted in these garden. Oak trees and California bay are some native trees that will be planted in this area. 
  • The water from the ablution center will be divided between the garden and the fountain located in the courtyard. 
  • Sine the trees and plants will be native to California, hence they would not require as much water as other plants. 

Fountain in theCourtyard

The fence surrounding the mosque on two sides. One side facing Bailey street and the other fence is in the back facing the children's school.


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