The West Side Market: Traveling to and within Cleveland's diverse culture through food; a plea to support your local farmer's market


Welcome to my literary tour through the West Side Market!

Below I put options for your guided path through my scalar book. Each selection is connected through various paths, and each path leads you to something new!

In my scalar book I talk about the cultural significance of the West Side Market (WSM), and how it reflects the diversity of Cleveland, OH. I discuss traditions and how the WSM allows people to carry on with the traditions that they share. I propose the idea of tourism and how one can travel to the WSM while also traveling within. And finally, I explain the importance of shopping at local farmer's markets, and why people should be more conscious about where there food is being made or produced, who is selling it, where is it being sold, and what kind impact does their purchase have on the world around them?

I want to end this introduction by including a nursery rhyme that is featured in one of my main sources, To Market, to Market by Joanne M. Lewis and John Szilagyi. It's featured within the first few pages of her book, and it scratches the surface of what a market had, has, and will have on a person and a community.

To market, to market,
to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again,
To market, to market,
to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again,

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