The West Side Market: Traveling to and within Cleveland's diverse culture through food; a plea to support your local farmer's market

Where Do We Go From Here?

I think places like the West Side Market are so special because even though they sell food just like other grocery stores or markets, it's really never going to be the same as any other place. That's shown in all of the awards it has received, why so many people come from near and far just to experience what it's like to be there. It's the atmosphere and the feelings you get when you walk in the door, just pure happiness. It's addicting. It's a hallmark of our city and of many of our lives and traditions. It's a part of us, just like Mary Rose Oakar said when she called it "our legacy" (Lewis, 6). This is why I want to show off the West Side Market. It's impacted my life in such a special way, and besides all the memories I've created there, discovering the positive impact that it has on our community and on food production and local farming in general, its a beacon of progress and environmental sustainability. 

Farmers markets aren't for everybody but I encourage everyone to go an experience one for themselves, whether or not it's the West Side Market, it's important to expose yourself to a different way to buy your food. Not only are the majority of people that attend farmers markets there for a more wholesome approach to grocery shopping but they're there for the people and the atmosphere. One that spreads positivity and hope. A glimpse as to what a market might have looked like throughout different points in history. A tradition that's lived on since the creation of the first market.

It's important to have an understanding of where food comes from, even if it's just a peek behind the curtain. It's important to meet the people that provide your food, it's even better to form connections with them. It's just what Tony Nasa calls "living". We're all born into this world, and we all leave it. Yet somehow, markets have lived through it all. Let's start trying to figure out why.

This is my plea to support your local markets. Come join me. 

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