The Monster InsideMain MenuWhere the Monsters are, and Where Kids Can Find ThemTo the Wild ThingsMonsters Uncovered By AngerTo the Other WorldBoredom and Family Leading to MonstersWith(In) YouGrief Leading to MonstrosityTo the PastMonstrosity in OthersMonster in Me...On the ScreenLooking at Human Monsters in FilmWhat Happens After We Find the Monster?Concluding Thoughts and QuestionsSourcesArticles, Books, and More Used in the ExhibitEmma Regand45aef03dfa1a830358cffbcd5fb5dac17b966fc
Mom, There's a Monster in Me!
12020-04-21T11:50:49-07:00Emma Regand45aef03dfa1a830358cffbcd5fb5dac17b966fc373206A Look at Children's Books and Monsterssplash2020-05-01T18:56:32-07:00Emma Regand45aef03dfa1a830358cffbcd5fb5dac17b966fc
Contents of this path:
12020-04-21T11:56:06-07:00Emma Regand45aef03dfa1a830358cffbcd5fb5dac17b966fcWhere the Monsters are, and Where Kids Can Find Them14visual_path2020-05-01T18:59:26-07:00Emma Regand45aef03dfa1a830358cffbcd5fb5dac17b966fc