This path was created by Ryan Carter.  The last update was by Jeffrey Forgeng.

OLD Art in an Early Global World at WAM: A WAM/College of the Holy Cross Collaboration

The Adoration of the Kings (1920.2)

Ryan Carter, Class of 2025, College of the Holy Cross

The artist Ottaviano, called Nelli, packed the foreground with the historic scene of the three kings, known as the three Magi, delivering their gifts to the baby Jesus and his parents, the Virgin Mary and Joseph. The Magi are dressed splendidly in gold and colored silk lined with furs. In the background, a variety of onlookers, from heavenly angels to shepherds and their sheep, witness the scene. Their resolute gazes and submissive postures suggest great reverence for the Holy Family.  Nelli distinguished himself early in his career by creating frescoes and panel paintings for the public buildings and churches of his native town of Gubbio in central Italy. While the classically informed Renaissance style was popular farther north in Florence, Nelli chose to paint in the ornate International Gothic Style, as in this painted panel.

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