Super Mario Bros: Mario

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In literature, "Super Mario Bros." has inspired a variety of works, including "Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle that Defined a Generation" by Blake J. Harris. The book tells the story of the rivalry between Nintendo and Sega in the 1990s and the impact that "Super Mario Bros." had on the video game industry. The book has been praised for its in-depth look at the industry and its engaging storytelling. Also in music, "Super Mario Bros." has been the subject of numerous remixes, covers, and parodies. One notable example is the "Super Mario Bros. Theme" by Koji Kondo, the composer of the game's iconic soundtrack. The theme has been covered by a variety of musicians and has even been adapted into a variety of musical styles, including jazz and metal. Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle that Defined a ...

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