Student Showcase 2022

Rocket Science (Calculating Delta-V) Using Integration!

Andrew Mattson

Second Place

Math A251: Calculus I
Dr. Rachel Graham

Andrew Mattson graduated from the Mat-Su Middle College in 2022, earning his Associates of Arts Degree and High School Diploma. He is headed to UAF to earn his BS in Computer Science. He hopes to focus on furthering artificial intelligence and machine learning. He also aspires to become an American Sign Language interpreter and loves being around the Deaf Community. In his free time, he likes gardening and spending time with family and friends.

Video and App Link

The following submission is for a presentation; it has been converted to images so that readers can see the presentation document. The actual submitted presentation can also be viewed on YouTube by going to The YouTube presentation uses the Kerbal Space Program game found at as part of its demonstration. Thus, Student Showcase Committee strongly recommends viewing it!

PowerPoint for Presentation

Andrew submitted a PowerPoint presentation for Student Showcase. It has been converted into a table for easier viewing, but the slides are in blue as opposed to the original coloring.
Slide 1
Slide 2Text, application<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 3Text<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 4Table<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 5Text<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 6Graphical user interface, table<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 7Graphical user interface<br /><br />Description automatically generated with medium confidence
Slide 8Text<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 9Text, letter<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 10Text, letter, whiteboard<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 11Text<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 12Diagram<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide 13Text<br /><br />Description automatically generated
Slide14Text, letter<br /><br />Description automatically generated

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